Fine Selection of Granite Tile and Slab Countertops
Granite is a great choice for any countertop, flooring, bathroom, kitchen, fireplace, bbq, or custom project. Granite is a natural occurring stone and because of it’s density, unique patterns, and its multitude of colors has become the most widely used natural stone used in homes and commercial applications. The highest quality granite comes from Brazil and that is exactly where we get ours from. At Prinicpal Stone we carry only the highest quality granite countertop slabs to ensure that you will have the most durable, dense, and beautiful granite slab possible!

What is granite?
Granite is a medium coarse grained igneous rock that is naturally found in the Earth. Granite can be any color depending on its chemistry and mineraology. Granite’s vivid natural color palette and near diamond-hard non-porous surface makes it the ideal material for countertops.
10 Reasons why a granite countertop from Principal Stone is a superb choice for any counter top:
- Granite countertops gives an elegant and exquisite natural look to any countertop surface.
- Granite offers natures widest palette of colors & infinite patterns, veins, specs, and swirls making it the ideal choice for counters (kitchens, bathroom, or bbq tops).
- It is the hardest of all natural stone countertop materials making it very durable.
- Granite is highly resistant to scratches, heat, stains and daily wear.
- Our granite is imported directly from the most renowned granite quarries in the world.
- Our granite is carefully chosen to ensure each slab offers breathtaking beauty and supreme durability.
- A granite top protects against mold and mildew.
- Since our granite is imported direct from the source there are no middlemen involved, so you get tremendous savings on the highest possible quality material
- Granite counter tops are more affordable than other countertop options
- Give your property a higher resale value by installing new granite counter tops
Explore granite counter top colors:
White granite
black granite
yellow granite
green granite
purple granite
orange granite
red granite
grey granite
brown granite
gold granite
Explore Countertop Edges:
demi bullnose
cove ogee
hollywood bevel
half bevel
quarter round
deep ogee
quarter bevel T&B
quarter round T&B
double bullnose
ogee bullnose
quarter bevel
full bullnose
cove bullnose
flat ogee
stair thread
half bullnose
cove dupont
half ogee
double ogee
steeped half bullnose
bevel bullnose
triple pencil